9th Global Freight Forwarders Conference

Home NEWS 9th Global Freight Forwarders Conference

9th Global Freight Forwarders Conference

 GEVATRANS LTD attended the 9th Global Freight Forwarders Conference that was held in Chongqing in China, on October 17-19th.
The Global Freight Forwarders Conference is one of the most influential conferences in the logistics industry and attracted 1500 executives from more than 100 countries.
Mrs Aggeliki Zissi, Director of GEVATRANS LTD and representative of our Company in the Conference comments:
“It has been a great experience for our Company to attend the 9th Global Freight Forwarders Conference. We believe in business cooperation and we are looking forward for new opportunities of business development. In this context, this Conference, gave us the opportunity via a number of One to One meetings to exchange views, ideas and experiences with other freight forwarders and logistics members from all over the world. We had a chance to discuss about new challenges and to focus on the enhancement and the empowerment of the business cooperation among us.”

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